Accomplish greater impact & sustainable success in 90 days or less without sacrificing your personal life or burning out.

  •  Ailish Lucas

Hi, I'm ailish lucas, a high performance coach.

I’m Ailish (pronounced Ale-ish) Lucas a High Performance Coach who has extensive experience helping female entrepreneurs + high achievers get to their next level. So what is a High Performance Coach? Now to get more success seems pretty obvious. But that’s just one part of the puzzle. You want a successful personal life as well and to do it all without burning out. That’s true high performance. Which is what I focus on. 


Imagine us not only being happier but also performing better, being a better leader in our industry, creating results that not only help your business, but how you move through this world as an individual and your relationships too. 

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So, why me?

I’m experienced and take what I coach seriously. Which is why I professionally trained with Mindvalley to become a leading Business Coach + Consultant and as a Positive Intelligence Coach with Shirzad Chamine, CEO of the largest coach training organisation in the world, Stanford University lecturer + Sunday Times Bestselling Author.

I have a professional Chartered Institute in Marketing Diploma with 15 years experience in Marketing.  I’ve worked in corporate, project managing marketing strategy, in small businesses managing social media & business development, founded a successful award winning business + marketing membership, created one of the UK’s largest online wellness events in 2018 + have 13 years experience within the beauty industry.

The framework, tools, strategies and accountability I provide create results that aren’t regular. Clients have gone from earning a few hundred pounds to hundreds of thousands. One moved across to the other side of world for more joy (+ brought her biz with her). Others have created enough success to move into their own office, have a team + successfully raise investment.  My clients know that they have a best friend and a safe space to explore what they need to so they can breakthrough. This is a privilege that I don’t take lightly, so I ensure I’m the best coach I can be whilst also doing the work myself. 

My FavoUrite Things

really great coffee


being outside in nature

A great bottle of fizz

early mornings to myself

Personally speaking:

I’m 40, a full time step mama to a gorgeous 7 year old with a bubba on the way, a yoga lover and adore travelling having lived in New Zealand, Portugal, numerous cities in the UK and visited over 35 countries so far. My favourite travel memory is sitting above the clouds for a rest when climbing Kilimanjaro. It was pretty magical. 

I'm about:

Being honest over sugarcoating it. Being experienced + professionally trained. Being anti-racist and constantly updating my knowledge. Being a feminist. Being the best possible coach I can be for my clients. Being the best step mama + partner I can be (work in progress) and trying to figure out how to adult well . Being my own best friend. 

My daily rituals include:

Early mornings to drink coffee in silence, snuggle with the fur child, meditate, read, journal and let my mind wander. It’s my time of bliss that brings me so much darn joy. It also sometimes looks like starting work at that time too to fit it all in. Just keeping it real y’all. 


Create Greater Impact &
Sustainable Success
Without the Burnout

I use a mix of neuroscience, positive psychology, performance science + cognitive psychology create strategies that breakthrough the noise and help you get to that next level you that you’re looking for.  

"Ailish is the best coach ever'.