If you’ve clicked on this episode then I’m guessing you are curious about the joy of feeling good about your business whatever stage that you’re in. 

We’ve all been there where we feel burnt out, frustrated, completely overwhelmed and in need of a little guidance. So I hope this episode can guide you on your way to the joy of feeling good about your business again.

Remember that you’ve chosen to do this business, it’s a magic adventure that pushes you to breakthrough to levels of yourself that you previously only ever dreamed about. It’s hard to do, to commit to yourself and your dreams in a way that doesn’t yet feel familiar.

Now, the joy of feeling good about your business. And that word joy. It’s not really cool, is it? Joy is happy, fun, enthusiastic, not nonchalant, ambivalent, calm and cool. But when we think about our life, isn’t joy a much better feeling than ambivalent and cool and always looking at the negative side of things? It’s the same with business. Being excited about your business, in hopeful anticipation of what’s to come and feeling joy around something we have chosen to do should just naturally come, shouldn’t it?! 

As I’m sure some of you will relate, it can feel joyous right at the beginning, when you’re starting out and there’s the huge mountain you have to climb. But when the initial excitement wears off, then the joy starts to wane, the shiny sparkliness of the mountain your climbing starts to ware off and you’re left on the struggle train, feeling overwhelmed and wondering how everyone else is ‘doing it’ on social media with their seemingly overnight success. Or, you’ve been in business, like me, for a while now. And maybe you’ve lost your way. Felt like you’ve climbed the wrong staircase and realised that what you really wanted to do was different, or you love what your do but it’s just feeling a little stale, a little bleurgh and it has lost it’s spark. 

as the great Dolly Parton says,if you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain.

I wanted to address this so we can firstly acknowledge that it’s OK not to feel joy all the time. We are human after all and as the great Dolly Parton says,if you want the rainbow, you’ve gotta put up with the rain. Feeling all of the emotions is what’s part of the journey and being human. There is no light without darkness. But it’s also something we have to pay attention to and check in with daily because we can very easily start to go down a little hole of despair when we get caught up looking at what everyone else is doing, seeing their achievements, because let’s face it, we aren’t going to see the non sexy side of business, sat working at your desk for hours and your office being a mess. We only ever see that highlight reel which makes it extremely hard sometimes to be able to keep joyous what what we are doing and where we’re going.

And if we start to experience emotions that are negative repeatedly, then these become feelings which then turn into identities and inform the way we do business and life. 

So how can we feel good about business? 

Firstly write down where you were 5 years ago and what has happened since that is amazing. Personally, i had just moved back from new zealand from a relationship that didn’t work out. I had moved back in with my parents at the grand old age of 34, and had decided I was going to set up my first business. When I think of the adventure that then unfolded, the craziness of it all including living in Portugal, winning awards, living by myself through a pandemic, growing my business, meeting my partner, getting burnout, coming through the other side, becoming a step mum. It’s been quite the journey. And the reason I mention personal things in here as well as business is because it’s hard to separate the two. One very much affects the other. 

I’m proud of the person I’ve become. She is no longer even remotely what she was last year or even last week. 

So I want you to go through and look at everything that’s happened. I bet it’s been a wild ride and there is more adventure, joy and magic to come. Feel so proud of yourself for everything you’ve achieved and know you’re daring greatly with how you’re living your life through the very nature of even starting a business.

Now let’s look at some questions which you can write down, everything will be in the show notes too in case you’re in the car, doing your washing or something like that.  

  • What stories am i telling myself about who i am and my business? What is a more empowering story that makes me feel good? 
  • What do you want? 
  • Why can’t you have it? 
  • How can I believe that good things are coming when times are tricky?

So I ask you today, to follow the joy, follow the bliss inside of you. And if you’re struggling with feeling joy and you’ve lost motivation, to watch the episode on ‘when you’ve lost motivation in business and the joy of finding it again’ as this has some amazing tips on how to start to do that again. 

Remember that you’ve chosen to do this business, it’s a magic adventure that pushes you to breakthrough to levels of yourself that you previously only ever dreamed about. It’s hard to do, to commit to yourself and your dreams in a way that doesn’t yet feel familiar. Keep showing up for yourself, keep believing in that high vision, keep dreaming and doing with one foot in joy and the other in motion so that magic can show up in the most amazing way. You are worthy of your dreams and desires. You’e got this + I’ve got you. 

If you’d like to work 1:1 with a coach then you can check out my services here >

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